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Lee Gallagher komt verrassende video

Dit is de  nieuwe video van Lee Gallagher voor het liedje “Highway 10” van zijn onlangs uitgebrachte album, L.A. Yesterday. De video ging voor het eerst in première op het muziekblog van Petal Motel. De video is geregisseerd door de Morgans Brother.

Lee Gallagher daarover, “This record will always be linked to Los Angeles in my mind. From the initial somewhat daunting decision to not record in San Francisco, to using some different musicians, to the places I would crash after being in the studio all day and night, and the drives up and down the 5 or the 101. Highway 10 goes out from LA to the Mojave desert. I spend a lot of time in Joshua Tree so I’ve driven these roads countless times. The album title comes from a line in this song. Kirby’s piano really burns bright on the end of this song and I love the almost Dickey Betts-like guitar licks that Jason is peppering in.”